Thursday, May 21, 2009

the night-before jitters

friends & foes alike,

id like to welcome you all to the infamous monesplye blog summer 2009.  this is a very new experience for me.  one, i have never been to europe and two, i have never blogged.  i feel really trendy.  kinda like brandon cohen trying to push his new screenplay at endeavor agency in LA.  

i am not gonna lie, i am a little nervous for this eurotrip.  as ben said so eloquently in his post, he has not had many interactions with the poles.  my only experience with polaks is vince vaughn's character in the highly successful romantic comedy, the break-up.  for some reason, i keep on thinking everyone in europe is going to have a dirty beard, smell bad and will yell at me in tongues i cannot understand.  i hope that is not the case, but you win some and you lose some.  

i really hope i can find myself over there.  like what my purpose is in life.  NOT.  i love america.  as some of you know, my favorite athletes are the american homegrown studs (i.e david wright).  but i am def excited to see the different cultures and help these young naive polish kids learn about our western ways.  hopefully i will be able to control my laughter when they ask ridiculous questions is stupid broken english.  

well that is all from america, my next post will be made across the pond!!!  i hope all of your summers are joyous and plentiful of happy times.  if you are bored at work or just really miss the cooky antics of me and mones, check out our blog.  hopefully it will bring a little joy to all of your days.  take care.  

-splye and demand

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh this post reminds me of when i was a young man in the summer of 08 on my very own eurotrip...i was yelled at in jibberish 3 times

    1) paris, france - thought i asked to see the menu in french...apparently this was not what i said

    2) amsterdam, does anyone know what country amsterdam is in? - got on a train without a ticket - 50 euro fine and nearly arrested by train cop/train dude but seemed like he kind of could have been a cop

    3) amsterdam again - rode a bike around the city...which is apparently what amsterdamians do...but i didn't know how to signal and rode the wrong way which caused 3-4 people to almost crash on their bikes

    the lesson here is simple. don't go. while you still have a chance get out of it. europeans are fucking d bags.

    if you dont heed my warning good luck
